No warranty and/or guarantee work will be performed until payment is received in full.
1.1. This warranty covers any defects in materials and all installation and workmanship with the exceptions stated below. Refer to 1.3.
1.2. This warranty runs for a period of two years from the time of substantial completion of the landscape.
1.3. Exempt from warranty:
o Fading or discolouration of materials or product used
o Efflorescence in concrete materials
o Damage to landscape due to improper use, neglect, vandalism, animal damage and Acts of God
o Staining of any nature from outside sources, improper care, or cleaning
2.1. Plant material supplied by Hammond Design & Landscape Ltd is guaranteed for one (1) year from the time of installation, provided that proper maintenance and protection has been performed (watering, weeding, cultivation, etc.) with the exceptions stated below. Refer to 2.3.
2.2. This warranty is limited to a one-time, free of charge, replacement per plant within the given time period only.
2.3. Exempt from warranty:
o Under watered or neglected plants
o Vandalism, animal damage or Acts of God
o Any special request plants which are not hardy to our area (zone 4) as well as annuals, bulbs, Echinacea and cedars
o If the plant has been moved from its original location
o Plants installed in pots or raised planters
o Extreme weather conditions including prolonged temperatures above 30 degrees or below -20 degrees, snow damage, excessive rainfall
2.4. Trees and shrubs can show some stress immediately following planting, but normally they will recover quickly. Keep a close eye on your new plants. At the first sign of something unusual with your new plant material, contact us immediately regarding your concerns. We can then assist you with information to help keep your new plant material healthy before further damage occurs. Under watering, over watering, insect infestation and lack of winter watering can all have adverse effects on a young plant.
3.1. This warranty covers over seeding of seeded lawns and replacement of new sod installations with the exceptions stated below. Refer to 3.3.
3.2. This warranty runs for a period of 7 days from time of installation.
3.3. Exempt from warranty:
o Under watered or neglect
o Vandalism, animal damage or Acts of God
o High traffic areas
3.4. New lawns generally fail due to improper irrigation coverage. At the first sign of browning please adjust your water application rate quickly and contact us immediately regarding your concerns.